Physical Needs

Helping with transitional housing; transportation; job placement 

Transitional Housing: Our goal is to have men placed in their own apartment within the first 6 months upon their release. Helping them with their bills and getting them the ample necessities they need to function in society. 


Transportation: The ministry provides a vehicle for the men for the first three months after they receive their driver's license. The ministry also helps the men establish a line of credit in order to purchase their own vehicle.


Job Placement: Any initial opportunity for the men to have a job prior to being released is always a great steppingstone for the men. If the men do not have a job prior to release, the ministry will help them fill out job applications and take them to the local businesses for interviews. 


Spiritual Needs: Helping the individuals get acquainted with society again. While having counseling services, Addiction Services and Bible Studies for the individuals.  


114 N Main Street Suite B

61443 Kewanee

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 3pm

Sunday: Closed


Ben Endress Program Director


Greta Witte Business Manager


Paul Bosanko Program Manager


Michael Lee Construction Manager




Meet our team

Ben Endress


Driving the mission and vision of the Finish Well Ministries organization, Ben is a true follower of Jesus Christ. With devotion to helping the men finish well in society and have a stronger walk with God. 

Paul Bosanko

Program Manager

Passionate follower of Christ Jese, Paul helps in overseeing the aspects of Finish Well Ministries, including program development, life skill classes for the men with the ability to inspire and manage a team. 

Michael Lee

Construction Manager

Helping the individuals with on-the-job training in the construction field. Helping the individuals get a good start relearning the job field and learning life skills along the way.